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Hi! I'm Jaely.

I'm Mama to my sweet boy George (19 months), and Wife to my wonderful and supportive husband, Chris. I'm also a Musician, Yoga Instructor, Doula, Birth Mentor, and the creator of Our Village Circle.

When I became pregnant with my son, I began devouring all the information I could find about birth - the physiology, the evidence, the rights that birthing people are entitled to, coping practices. I listened to birth stories, spoke with doulas, and made my own sense of the evidence and what I hoped for out of my prenatal care and birth experience.

For me, pregnancy was a process of stepping into my own power, silencing the unsolicited outside voices, and learning to tune into and trust my inner voice, advocating for myself to the ends of the earth.

As powerful as I felt in pregnancy, when my son came much earlier than we expected, postpartum hit me like a ton of bricks. When I found myself in that soft, vulnerable, scared place that new parents know so well, all I wanted was space to connect with myself, connect with my baby, connect with my husband. When our specific circumstances didn't allow for that space, I found myself deeply impacted by how that biological, crucial need had been denied and disrupted. My experience in the postpartum wing had ripple effects throughout my early motherhood journey, my sense of self and well-being, and my relationships. I wanted to understand why I felt so traumatized, even though on paper everything went well enough, and in the end I was home with a healthy baby.

My process of physical and emotional healing has been a long road, connecting me with a deeper sense of purpose and authenticity than I imagined possible. I've had the privilege of speaking with and learning from professionals in the perinatal, birth, postpartum, trauma, and holistic health communities. Listening to stories from other parents has also been a source of connection and healing, for me. Although I never found a story that matched my own, I found comfort knowing I wasn't alone in the sizemic shift of body, mind, and spirit that crossing the threshold into parenthood is.

My postpartum journey has truly been a practice in making more and more space for my most authentic self to come through. Thus, the creation of Our Village Circle.

My mission for Our Village Circle is to create a space of authentic sharing, and elevate the voices of parents and professionals alike to demystify the realities of new parenthood. I want you to feel seen, heard, and known, and I wholeheartedly believe that everyone's story has something powerful to offer others as they walk their own path.

I'm so glad you're here. I can't wait to go on this journey with you. <3


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